total visitors today (han kun )popularity ranking soil and water protection blanket 2025-01-16
和胜股份是技术驱动的新材料和新能源集成部件提供商,致力于推动高端工业铝合金在消费电子和新能源领域的应用 this content is the result of automatic crawling by this website based on the source. it does not mean that this website agrees with the content or position of the displayed website. 2025-01-10
长春长光易格精密技术有限公司核心产品及服务:汽车车身冲压件、焊接总成、机械加工件、模具、检具、夹具的设计、制造及销售、技术咨询与服务、汽车零部件销售与贸易等,以白车身结构件起步,长期扎根于长春汽车生产基地。2015年完成代际交接,始终保持创业心态,致力于转型升级及成为车身金属件技术革新、轻量化新材料研发及应用、新能源车电池壳体等方向的开拓者与领跑者。公司坐落于长春市经济技术开发区营口路588号,长春奥普光电技术股份有限公司园区内。公司总面积为1565平方米,现有员工20余人,现有压蜡、注蜡、装型、焙烧、熔炼、灌浆、整型、检测等先进的生产设备30余台/quick account this content is the result of automatic crawling by this website based on the source. it does not mean that this website agrees with the content or position of the displayed website. 2025-01-11